Celebrity audition tapes: Before they were famous.

Even the biggest of Hollywood stars have to get their start somewhere. In this video, a collection of A-list entertainers are shown in early auditions.

Brad Pitt

Stars like Brad Pitt and Leonardo Di Caprio all had to prove their chops before being cast in their leading roles. Some got the part, others didn’t.

Keanu reeves

Even eventual Oscar winners had to go in front of the camera and casting directors just to get the part.


Robert de niro

Some of these stars were born to play the parts and it can be seen in these early audition tapes.

Gaborey sidibe

Others were bound for so much more than a simple movie or tv show and have become the hottest stars of today.

Jimmy Fallon

So sit back and enjoy the early tapes of these stars before they were famous. You will be surprised as to how many of the Hollywood elites you will recognize.



Credit YouTube GruBkiller525